1. I am married to Mr. Harrison...you might have him for a teacher, football coach, or basketball coach at OHS! We LOVE the red and black!

2. We have TWINS...Jay and Eva...born May 9th. They are the absolute light of my life. I never knew how much I could love until the twins arrived :)
3. We also have a fur baby...Mia...a six year old black and tan miniature dachshund! She is also the light of my life. You could say I am obsessed with weiner dogs!

4. Teaching is a calling. You could say I have always known I was going to be a teacher. I am passionate about teaching, and I cannot imagine any other profession! This is my 10th year of teaching...really...WOW time flies when you're having fun! I have a masters degree in elementary education, and I am a National Board Certified Teacher!

5. I love to nap! Although it does not happen as often as it used to...wonder why, I could sleep for hours...anywhere, anytime!
6. My favorite colors are red and black, black and pink!
7. I love to read...children's books! Some of my favorites include Thank You, Mr. Faulker, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, Because of Winn Dixie, There's a Boy in the Girls Bathroom. My favorite authors include Patricia Polacco, Dr. Seuss, LeighAnne Florence, and Beverly Cleary.

8. I love all things Christmas...lights, ornaments, Santas, angels, nativity scenes, presents, shopping, wrapping, parties, food, etc!

9. My favorite sport is soccer, but I also like football and basketball. Mr. Harrison coaches football and basketball so I attend a lot of games! I have coached soccer most of my life, but gave it up for a couple of years because of the twins.

10. I love to eat...almost anything and almost everything! Red Lobster might be my favorite restaurant!

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