On Thursday, Brad Reynolds brought his Real Science Creepy, Crawly, Slimy, Scaly Program to Cravens Elementary School! The students saw living creatures from a tarantula to a frog to a turtle to a snake...a really BIG snake! The students learned many new and interesting facts. I even think some teachers became learners too! From my understanding, the most memorable moment for the kindergarten and 1st graders was the peeing bull frog! The most memorable moment for the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th graders was the pooping toad! Below are a few pictures from the program...
You knew I would post a picture of the pooping toad!
Here is the boa constricter who became a little agitated!
I still don't understand why Mr. Reynolds
did not bring a living alligator...
Of course Bennett had to get his hands on the snake!
Some 4th graders got a closer look at all the creatures!
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