Friday, December 9, 2016

Mrs. Harrison Weekly Letter

December 9, 2016
Dear Kiddos,
         We are officially only 5 days away from Christmas break, and I definitely feel the excitement in the air.  I think Elvin feels the excitement as well as he held your brownie point treats hostage for a day.  I’m super glad you all settled down and earned your cookies back yesterday!
         Speaking of Elvin, he has been traveling around the world to learn about Christmas traditions in other countries.  Tell me at least two facts or traditions you have learned and which country they belong. 
         We also started reading The Best Christmas Pageant Ever.  Can you write a simple summary of the book so far?  Remember what we have learned about summaries over the past couple weeks.  You are all doing such a fabulous job with your summaries. 
         I understand it is always harder to be a leader when it is close to a break from school.  However, it is important to be a leader all the time!  How have you shown leadership at NP this week?  What do you think you should improve on for next week? 
         I cannot wait to spend next week with you.  So many exciting things will be happening…service projects, Christmas programs, fun activities, and ice cream sundaes.  Remember, as always, you have to put first things first to participate in all the excitement!
                                                                                                  Mrs. Harrison

Friday, November 18, 2016

Mrs. Harrison Weekly Letter

November 18, 2016
Dear Kiddos,
         I am not sure where to begin my letter this week.  I have so many thoughts swirling around in my head.  Some weeks I am able to write with ease; however, this week hasn’t been easy. 
         As you all know, I missed two days this week because I was at a conference.  I never know what to expect when I go to a conference.  Honestly, sometimes I gain valuable information while other times I leave feeling like my time was wasted.  The later is never a good feeling, and I hope you never leave feeling like your day was wasted at school! 
Lucky for me (and you), The Leader In Me conference was a good one!  I was able to attend meetings, talk to other teachers, visit a school, and listen to an inspiring speaker.  Lisa Fenn, a former ESPN producer, told the story of her unlikely family bond with Dartanyon Crockett and Leroy Sutton.  It was quite an emotional story, and it made me think about my purpose.  Watch their story with me – Carry On ESPN E:60.
I am a teacher, so my purpose it to teach you this year, right?  Partially right.  My job means so much more to me than just teaching you this year.  My job is to build a relationship with you, push you when you don’t want to be pushed, pick you up when you fail, and celebrate with you when you succeed…not only this year but forever.  Before I even knew you at the beginning of the year, I told you I will always cheer for you.  My job doesn’t end with you in May.  Rather, it’s a lifelong commitment!              
Now it’s your turn to think about your purpose.  How do you want to make a difference in this world?  How do you plan to be successful?  It’s never too early to begin with the end in mind!
         We have come so far in such a short amount of time.  Time…don’t I talk about it every week?  Time is a precious resource because we never have enough of it.  I was super nervous to be away from the building for two days, but you all showed me I can trust you.  While you are individually unique and amazing, you are also able to come together as a team to succeed.  What makes you unique and amazing as an individual?  Why do you think our team is so successful?
         We will not be here next Friday, so I won’t have the opportunity to reflect with you.  I want you to know I am so thankful for each of you.  I come to school everyday for each of you because what you don’t know is that you teach me way more than I could ever teach.  Each of you make me a better person.
I will end this letter with a couple quotes from Carry On.  Choose one to talk about.
Dartanyon said, “Making it or not making it, I’m better because of you.”
“I’d rather change this world thank walk on it,” Leroy said.
Lisa ended her presentation by saying, “It’s not about me being great – it’s about me inspiring others to greatness!”

Mrs. Harrison

Friday, November 11, 2016

Mrs. Harrison Weekly Letter

November 11, 2016
Dear Students,
         Today is Veteran’s Day!  Hope you take time to be thankful for all the men and women who protect our great country…today, tomorrow, and in the past. 
         This week we discussed the election and Veteran’s Day.  I hope you realize the importance of both events; and more importantly, I hope you always realize the importance of being a well-informed citizen of the United States when you grow up.
         You have been election detectives this week, and we will continue working on that activity this afternoon.  What is something you have learned during your time as a detective?
         We are officially less than two weeks away from Thanksgiving and exactly two weeks away from Black Friday.  It seems my weekly letter always mentions how fast time flies.  I like to think time flies because we are having fun.  Hope you think the same thought!  What did we do this week that was the most fun for you?
         We have so much to accomplish in the next seven days, and I have so many activities I WANT to do, but I’m not sure how to fit them all in.  My main goal for planning is to not over plan like I did during Halloween/Red Ribbon Week J  If our theme is Thanksgiving, what is something you would like to next week?
Additionally, I will be at the Leadership Symposium for two days next week.  Mr. Chapman will be our substitute both days.  Please prepare yourself to show him exactly how awesome our class is!  I know it is tough to have a substitute…I remember having substitutes when I was in school.  It is important to remember to always do the right thing, even when no one is looking though!  What will you do to show you are a leader at NP next week while I am away from school?
Thank you for working hard again this week.  I believe we are making great strides everyday!  I have no doubt all of you will make a year’s worth of growth by the end of the year if we continue to word hard and do our best!!!

     Mrs. Harrison

Friday, November 4, 2016

Mrs. Harrison Weekly Letter

November 4, 2016
Dear Students,
This week we entered the month of November, which brings even more fun.  We will discuss elections, Veteran’s Day, OIA Olympics and Thanksgiving.  I have several exciting activities for us to complete throughout this month; however, we need to work on our stamina.  We have built great self-paced math stamina as well as read-to-self stamina, but we are lacking with our work stamina.  It seems as though you all want everything NOW.  The problem is that 4th grade is NOT a NOW year.  In fact, no grade level from here out is a NOW year.  You have to realize the value of HARD WORK and PATIENCE.  Not every problem has a quick answer, not every assignment can be completed in 5 minutes, and not every project will be finished the day you start.  If you truly want to be successful, not just today, but every day then we must build our hard work and patience stamina.  What do you think you need to do to build your stamina, work ethic, and patience?
With that being said, we made great accomplishments with week.  On Monday, we presented our Halloween Fashion Show as well as performed two Halloween readers’ theaters.  Then we picked back up on our Red Ribbon Week posters.  Many of you used all of your time wisely and were able to complete your poster entirely during the school day…that is FABULOUS!  Others of you chose to use some time at home to complete your poster, and that was perfectly fine as well.  While a couple of you needed to be pushed and pushed and pushed, and redirected and redirected and redirected to complete your project on time.  Which category do you believe you fit in for this project and tell me why?  I cannot wait for you all to view each other’s posters and presentations.  We will complete that part one day next week!
         Since we started a new month, we were able to create our November calendar to begin with the end in mind.  What excites you most about November?  How do you plan to show you are a leader at NP this month?  Remember that leaders do not always have to accomplish BIG things for everyone to see.  Sometimes the best leaders do lots of small, unnoticeable tasks.  We read a book about Susan B. Anthony this week…she was ONE woman who made a BIG difference for all other women that followed her.  In fact, she died before her big difference actually went into effect, but her hard work will never be forgotten.  How do you want to be remembered?
         Thank you for being a part of my class.  Thank you for allowing me to push you out of your comfort zone so you can be the most successful person you were born to be!

Mrs. Harrison